Private Air Raid Shelter

The Rocks Guesthouse

Civil defence facility

20 Cleveland Terrace, Melton Hill 4810

What is now The Rocks Guesthouse was a private hospital prior to World War II. Although it has been rumored as being requisitioned by US forces during 1942–1945, no evidence of this has come to light during searches in the Australian Archives. Additionally it is not listed in the HQS Base Section Two Telephone Directory, May 1944, Restricted.

An above ground reinforced concrete air raid shelter still remains in the back yard of the property. Builders advertised in the Townsville Bulletin for the construction of private air raid shelters however only the wealthy could afford the cost. Additionally many citizens evacuated to southern cities to escape the perceived threat of a Japanese invasion or heavy air raids. Most suburban shelters were either of the slit trench type or improvised with sand bags and corrugated iron.


The North Queensland Line: The Defence of Townsville in 1942. 1998 Thesis by Ray Holyoak held at James Cook University Library North Queensland Collection.

HQS Base Section Two Telephone Directory, May 1944, Restricted (Ray Holyoak collection).